Mean 18
Mean 18
ATARI(R) 7800(TM) Game Manual
MEAN 18 by Accolade
This is it! A hush falls over the California countryside as you stand on the
eighteenth hole of Pebble Beach. You’re five long feet from the hole and you have
a one-stroke lead in the biggest tournament of your life. Your caddy hands you your
lucky putter. You line up your shot, and swing. The ball rolls slowly toward the hole.
There’s a tense moment as it almost rings the cup. finally, the ball falls in.
You retain your title!
Getting Started
1. Insert the Mean 18 cartridge into your Atari 7800 game system as explained in
your owner’s manual.
2. Plug a controller into the left controller port. In a two player game, plug
another controller into the right controller port.
3. Switch on your TV, then press Power to switch on your system. The Mean 18 title
screen appears. Press the fire button to show the options selection screen.
4. Press Select or move the left controller forward or back to select play options.
In a two player game, use the right controller to select play options for player
number two. Press a fire button after making each selection to move to the next option.
Number of players One or two
Skill level Beginner
or Expert
Tees Regular
or Pro
Game play Stroke
or Match
Note: If you select beginner, the margin of error is less, but you can still slice
and shank the ball. Expert players must choose their own clubs and make more accurate
Using the Pro Tees option makes for longer distances to the greens.
Stroke (medal) is normal game play. When you select Match, the best player on each
hole wins. Match play is only available for two player games.
5. After selecting options, an overhead view of the first hole appears. The overhead
view gives the hole number, distance from the tee to the hole, and the par. Press a
fire button to begin playing golf.
6. During play you can do the following if needed:
-To restart the game and select new play options, press Reset.
-To see an overhead view of the hole, press Select.
-To see your score card, press Pause.
Note: Press a fire button to return to the regular playing screen after using any
option above.
Playing the Game
Mean 18 allows one or two people to play a round of golf at Pebble Beach. This
simulation of the classic game blends strategy and skill.
Order of Play
At the beginning of each hole, the order of play is determined by honors. That is,
the player that won the previous hole goes first. Once all the players have teed off,
the player farthest from the hole plays next.
Making a Shot
To change a club selection. move the controller forward or backward. You can control
your aim by moving the controller left or right. Move the controller left or right to
shift the view, with a partial left or right rotation possible.
A complete shot requires three taps on the fire button as follows:
1. Tap once to start your backswing.
Each line on the power gauge increases the power of your swing by 10% of the club’s
rated potential distance (see Club Distance Table below). The dark area at the top
indicates overswing which significantly reduces ball control and results in a longer,
wilder shot.
Top of -- ___ - 100%
Swing |___|
___ - 90%
___ - 80%
___ - 70%
P |___|
O ___ - 60%
W | |
E |___|
R ___ - 50%
| |
G |___|
A ___ - 40%
U | |
G |___|
E ___ - 30%
| |
___ - 20%
| |
___ - 10%
| |
| |
Hook |___|
Straight - ___ - 0%
Slice | | (Start)
| |
| |
2. Tap again to begin downswing. Press the fire button a second time to start the
downswing at the desired point on the power gauge. An arrow marks the point where this
occurred. Stopping your backswing part way up results in a shorter shot, useful for
3. Tap a third time at the bottom of your swing.
The third tap snaps your wrists at the bottom of the swing. Snapping the wrists
early, above the line where the swing began, results in a hook. A hooked ball curves
to the left. Snapping the wrists late, below the line where the swing began, results
in a slice. A sliced ball curves to the right. An arrow marks the point where the
wrists were snapped.
Warning: If you don’t snap your wrists during the swing, expect to find your ball in
the rough. Not snapping wrists results in a severe slice.
Move the controller left or right to aim your putt. A line between your ball and the
cup helps you aim.
The arrows on the green indicate the direction in which the green breaks. The ball
will move in the direction the green breaks. Therefore, you must anticipate the
correct "line" the ball should travel to sink your putt.
As with distance shots. putts require you press the fire button twice. Press the
first time to set the power and the second time to set the accuracy as you would with
a regular shot.
Club Distance Table
With a good full swing, each club averages the following distance and loft. Loft is
the angle of the club face. The ball goes higher in the air as loft increases.
Club Distance Loft
(yards) (degrees)
Driver 250 16
3 Wood 230 22
4 Wood 215 25
2 Iron 207 18
3 Iron 197 22
4 Iron 184 25
5 Iron 172 30
6 Iron 159 34
7 Iron 148 38
8 Iron 136 42
9 Iron 124 46
P-wedge 112 (Pitching wedge)
S-wedge 100 (Sand wedge)
Putter Each mark on the power
gauge is approximately
8 feet. Make allowances
for breaks on the green.
When landing in a rough, or using short irons (such as the 9 iron) the ball comes
to a stop more quickly than normal. The ball "bites" more quickly on a green than on
the fairway. When landing in sand, the ball comes to a stop very quickly (although the
ball may still skip out of the trap). When using a wood or long iron (for example,
3 wood or 3 iron) the ball continues to roll farther unless it lands in the rough or
a trap.
If a ball comes to rest out of bounds, a penalty stroke is taken (in addition to the
stroke played), and the shot must be replayed.
If a ball lands in the water, a penalty stroke is taken (in addition to the stroke
played). The ball is replayed.
When a ball hits a tree, it either ricochets back toward you along a random angle
(if you hit a solid brown or black part of the tree), or goes through the tree (slows
down and exits sideways along a random angle).
When all players have reached the current green, the screen switches to an overhead
view of the green, showing the position of all balls. The player furthest from the
hole putts first, and play proceeds normally, except that players have the option of
finishing their putts (like real golf etiquette).
A wood results in a poor shot from a deep rough or sandtrap. Use an iron.
Make sure not to overswing. An overswing almost certainly results in a poor shot.
Each shot’s trajectory is a combination of your swing and luck. When the ball hits
the ground, it randomly bounces left or right.
When hitting from different terrains, use a bigger club than normal to achieve the
same distance (light rough, one club; deep rough and sand, two or three clubs).
/ | \
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Reproduction of this document or any portion of its contents is not allowed without
the specific written consent of Atari Corporation.
Atari. the Atari logo, and 7800 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari
Corporation. Mean 18 is a trademark of Accolade, Inc.
Copyright 1986. Accolade, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright 1989, Atari Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Printed in Hong Kong. C300018-047 Rev B
This document scanned and edited by Mitchell Orman