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7800 32 in 1

7800 - 32 in 1

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7800 32 IN 1

GAMES CARTRIDGE DOCUMENTATION UFO (original name - Space Jockey) The object of the game is to destroy aircraft and tanks before they attack your spaceship.
  • 1 player; 16 game levels increasing difficulty.
  • The fire button activates the spaceship and fires shots. Move the joypad forward or back to move the spacecraft up or down. Fun with Numbers This game presents addition, substraction, multiplication and division problems.
  • 1 player; games 1 & 5 additions; 2 & 6, subtraction; 3 & 7, multiplication; 4 & 8, division.
  • Move the joypad forward or back to cycle through numbers 0-9. Move the joypad left or right to move the answer lines. Press the fire button to record your answer. Musical tunes indicate whether your answer is right or wrong. Flag Capture The object of this game is to find the square that contains the flag.
  • 1-2 players
  • Games 1-4, 2 players compete to see who can capture 15 flags first. Games 5-7, 2 players compete to see who captures the most flags in 75 seconds. Games 8-10, 1 player as per games 5-7. Use the joypad to move across the squares. Push the fire button to see if a square contains the flag, hints to the flags location (an arrow directing you to the flag or a number indicating how many squares away the flag is), or a bomb that returns you to the first square. Golf The object is to hit the ball into the cup on each hole, using as few strokes as possible.
  • 1/2 players
  • Use the joypad to move the player around the course and to position the club for the swing. The club always points toward the ball. Press the fire button to begin the backswing, release the button to hit the ball. The object is to complete the course with as few points as possible. (Par for the course is 36.) Adventure You are a daring adventurer, explore castles and mazes, find the treasure and return to home.
  • 1 player, 3 levels, each level has more rooms and more items to use.
  • The joypad controls the character. Move to object and they are automatically picked up (you can carry only one object at a time), press the button to drop and object. The colour of the keys indicate which colour castle they open, while in the maze, the "bridge" allows you to climb over walls. Freeway Rabbit The object of this game is to get the rabbit across the freeway without being hit by a car.
  • 1-2 players; 8 game levels, increasing difficulty
  • Move the joypad up or down to move the rabbit forward or back across the freeway lanes. Move the joypad left or right to make the rabbit stand still to avoid oncoming cars. Football In this game your football team tries to beat your opponent’s through the selection of game plays.
  • 2 players.
  • There are five offensive formations (split left, tight right, split right, tight left, and punt) and five defensive formations (wide left, tight right, wide right, tight left, and deep). For a punt formation, push the fire button. Games 1 & 2, players control players with their joypads. the offense controls the ball and can pass or punt by pressing the fire button. Control the path of a pass or kick by using the joypad. Defense controls the linemen. Game 3, offense program their plays and watch the computer run them out. Neither player can control the play movements, but the offense can pass or kick the ball using the fire button. Fishing The object of this game is to catch the crabs without letting the shark get them.
  • 1-2 players
  • Use the joystick to move the fishing line to catch the crabs and avoid the shark. Boxing The object of this game is to out box your opponent.
  • 1-2 players
  • Use the fire button to cover up or to hit your opponent (press the button and move handle away from opponent to cover up, move handle toward opponent to jab, pull handle back to land a body blow, and push handle forward to land a payoff punch). The boxer who knocks out or TKO’s (12 punches without the opponent landing a punch or getting away) the opponent is the winner. If the fight goes the full seven rounds, the player with the most points is the winner. Freeway Chicken The object of this games is to get the chicken across the freeway without being hit by a car.
  • 1-2 players. Eight game levels, increasing difficulty
  • Move the joypad up or down to move the chicken forward or back across the freeway lanes. Move the joypad left or right to make the chicken stand still to avoid oncoming cars. Scoring: 1 point for each time the chicken makes it safely to the other side of the freeway. Combat This game offers 27 different game variations in which you try to outwit your opponent.
  • 2 players.
  • Tank (1-5): Hit your opponent as many times as you can. Tank-Pang (6-9): The missile can bounce off walls and barriers on the ployfield, score by hitting your opponent head-on or by bouncing your missile. Invisible Tank (10-11). You are invisible to each other un- til a missile is fired or a hit is made. The tanks become visible when they bump into a wall or barrier. Invisible Pong (12-14): combine the invisible piay feature with the missile action of Tank-Pong. Bi-Plane (15-20): bi-planes try to shoot each other out of the sky. Jet-Fighter (21-27): test your ability to outwit your opponent as a jet-fighter pi- lot. For all tank games, the joypad can be moved left, right, or for- ward to control the tank’s movement. In bi-plane games, move the ioypad from the left (slowest) to the right (fastest); to dive, move the joypad forward; to climb, move it back. In jet-fighter games, move the joypad forward (fastest) to backward (slowest); move it left or right to turn. Skiing The object of this game is to get the skier down the hill quickly, without hitting any of the obstacles.
  • 1 player.
  • In games 1-5, use the joypad to move the skier between the flags. In games 6-10, move the joypad to move the skier down the course without hitting any trees. The speed increases at each level. Soccer Play soccer against a friend or the computer.
  • 1/2 players, levels 1-27 one player increasing difficulty. Levels 28-54 two players, increasing speed.
  • Control your team with the joypad, pressing the button to pass, shoot at goal or tackle the opposing team. Sky Diver The object of the game is to guide the Sky Diver to the landing pad.
  • 2 players. Games 1 & 2 are the same, Games 3 & 4, the landing pad moves. Game 5, one landing pad; the first player to land on the it scores points.
  • Press the fire button to release the Sky Diver. Pull bock on the joypad to open the parachute. The wind sock at the bottom of the screen tells which way the wind is blowing and the wind’s speed. Basketball The object of this game is to shoot the most baskets.
  • 1/2 players.
  • Press the fire button to position the player’s arms for the shoot and release the button when you’re ready to shoot. Press the fire button to make the defending player jump to block the shot. To steal the ball, place your player’s feet even with your opponent’s and take the ball during the dribble. Bowling The object of this game is get the highest bowling score by knocking down as many pins as you can.
  • 1-2 players (games 1,3, and 5 for 1 player; 2, 4, and 6 for 2 players)
  • Press the fire button to release the ball. In games 1 & 2, move the joypad to set up a curveball. In games 3 & 4, move the joypad to steer the ball once it is in the alley. In games 5 & 6, you cannot move the ball once it has been thrown. Human Cannonball The object of the game is to shoot the person out of the cannon and into the water tower.
  • 1-2 players
  • The joypad controls the cannon angle, position and the speed of the Human Cannonball, depending upon the game. The fire button shoots the Human Cannonball. Games 1-4, the water tower can be moved after the Cannonball is shot. In games 1-3 and 5-7, control the angle of the cannon with the joypad. Games 3 & 7, the speed of the Cannonball can be controlled by the joypad. Games 4 & 8 the cannon position can be controlled by the joypad. Games 5 & 8, a moving window appears in front of the water tower; shoot the Cannonball through the window. 3D Tic-Tac-Toe This game is a three-dimensional version of Tic-Tac-Toe.
  • 1/2 players; select games 1-8 for one player and game 9 for two players.
  • Use the joypad to move your mark. Push the fire button to place the mark on a square. Reversi (original name - Othello) Capture as many of the 64 sqaures as you can. Outflank your opponent by capturing a square on both sides of your opponent’s square, or row of squares.
  • 1-2players. Games l-3, challenge the computer. Game 4,two players oppose each other.
  • The joystick controls the position of the cursor. Push the fire button to take a square. Surround The object of this game is to out-manoeuver your opponent.
  • 1-2 players.
  • In games with the Erase feature, press the fire button to hide your tracks temporarily. Games 2 & 4 are for 1 player. The other games are far two players. Games 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9-12, the speed of the tracks increases as they move across the field. In games 5-7 and 10-12, you can move diagonally. In games 7 and 12, you can temporarily hide your tracks by holding the fire button. In games 9-12, you can move your leader block off the screen so that it appears on the opposite side. Blackjack In this game, players compete against the computer dealer to get 21.
  • 1-3 players. Requires Paddle Controllers
  • Use the paddle controller to place your bet and to indicate whether you want to stay, double your bet, or take a hit. When a question mark appears below your total number of chips, place your bet by turning the controller knob to the number of chips you wish to bet and pressing the button. After the cards have been dealt, turn the knob to the action you want to take. If you choose HIT, press the button for each card you want. Turn the knob to STAY when you don’t want any more cards. Miniaturer Golf Hit the ball into the cup in each of the nine holes, using as few strokes as possible.
  • 1-2 players.
  • Use the joypad to position the club. Press the fire button to hit the ball. The goal is to match or beat the par for each hole. Slot Racers The object of this game is to maneuver through the course and shoot your opponent.
  • 2 players, 9 game levels. The difficulty increase with each level.
  • Use the joypad to maneuver through the course. Press the fire button to shoot. Space War The object of the game is to hit your opponents spaceship with missiles.
  • 2 players.
  • Press the fire button to shoot. Games 1, 2, 4 and 6 have the galaxy boundary feature; your spaceship will bounce off the playfield’s boundaries. Games 3, 5, and 7, when your ship moves off the edge of the boundary, it will go into warp drive and reappear on the opposite side. Games 4 & 5, you have to fight the sun’s gravity to keep your spaceship from exploding. In games 2-7, you can make your spaceship go in and out of hyperspace by pulling the joypad toward you; the ship will become invisible, but you won’t be able to fire missiles. Games 6 & 7, you can return to your starbase to refuel and resupply you missiles. Air-Sea Battle Score points by hitting moving objects such as planes, helicopters, ships and submarines.
  • 1-2 players: games 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, and 27 - 1 player, the others are for two players.
  • Push the joypad forward and back to change the angle of the gun. Press the fire button to shoot. In games 7-12, push the joypad left or right to move the submarine. In games 13-15, push the joystick forward or back to change the angle of the gun and left or right to move the gun across the screen. Games 16-27, push the joypad forward to control the speed. Tennis The object of the game is to win the tennis match.
  • 1-2 players
  • Use the joypod to control the movement of the tennis player. Press the fire button to serve the ball. Slot Machine This game works like a slot machine. The object is to line up three of the same items in a row.
  • 1-2 players (odd number games for 1 player, even number games for 2).
  • Place your bet by pressing the fire button. Push the joystick to the right to spin. Stampede The object of this game is to stop the stampede by roping the cattle.
  • 1 player: 8 levels, the speed of the stampede increases at each level.
  • Use the joypad to move the cowboy up or down. Push the fire button to stop the catle. Fish Derby The object of this game is to catch the fish without letting the shark get them.
  • 1-2 players.
  • Use the joypad to move the fishing line to catch the fish and avoid the shark. Laser Blast The object of the game is for your spaceship to destroy the enemy’s firebases.
  • 1 player, 4 levels of difficulty.
  • Move the joypad to control the spaceship’s movement. Push the fire button and move the joypad to control the angle of the gun to shoot the firebases. If your spaceship is hit, move the joypad to make the spaceship land on the firebase. Ant Party (original name - Cosmic Swarm) The object of this game is to destroy the ants and to avoid running into the stones.
  • 1 player.
  • Use the joypad to control your movement. Press the fire button to destroy the ants. Homerun The object of this game is to score the most runs.
  • 1-2 players; games 1-4 for 1 player, 5-8 for 2 players.
  • Move the joypad in the direction you wish to hit the ball. To stop your runnner, push the fire button before you reach the base. To pitch the ball, press the fire button, then move your joypad forward for the fastball, back for the slow pitch, and left or right for the curve. After the batter hits the ball, use the joypad to move the outfielders in the direction you want for them to catch the ball or make an out. /|\ ATARI

    Selecting Games on the Atari 7800

    1. Insert the 32 in 1 games cartridge. 2. Toggle the ON/OFF switch on the console between the ON and OFF positions. The 32 games will appear in sequential order. 3. Press the RESET button on the console to begin playing a game.

  • This document scanned and edited by Mitchell Orman