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Highlander - Atari - Atari Jaguar     HTML Manual   

Highlander - The last of the Macleods


Seven centuries ago, a large meteor struck the earth. The shock waves from the
resultant explosion caused the premature detonation of a large percentage of 
the world's nuclear weapons stockpile. Continents crumbled and untold billions 
died. Civilization ended almost overnight. This event is referred to as the 
"Great Catastophe."

But mankind was not alone... The race of immortals, each vying to be the last 
and claim the elusive prize, were present, although they could do nothing but 
stand and watch while the world died.

These immortals, who until this point had kept themselves separate from the 
problems of mankind, met together on what has now become known as the Hill of 
Oaths. Here they decided to lay down their arms and dedicate their lives to 
gathering all the knowledge necessary to allow mankind to rebuild. They all 
swore not to kill another immortal and became Jettators, all but one...

This was Kortan. He refused to take the vow and instead declared himself the 
last immortal. He was challenged by Connor Macleod, who, having already taken 
the vow, could not win. He was quickly dispatched, but his sacrifice was not in 
vain for it allowed the remaining Jettators to amend their vow. They would wait 
for the birth of another immortal. When he became old enough to handle the 
responsibility, they would give all their knowledge to him. This immortal, 
unbound by the oath the rest had taken, could defeat Kortan.

And so they waited. Kortan built himself the mighty city of Mogonda and from 
there he ruled over the tattered remnants of mankind. The Jettators scattered 
to the four winds leaving one of their number, Ramirez, to wait for the new 
immortal, the saviour of mankind, to be born.


You are Quentin Macleod. Until recently you lived out your life with the Dundee
clan in the highlands. That all changed when Kortan's hunters attacked your 
village on a slave raid. During the attack, you suffered a mortal would and 
'died'. Somehow, you have been regenerated or born again, but your previous 
life has been utterly destroyed. Your mother has been murdered and your people 
captured. As the game opens, you are alone and defenseless in the burned-out 
village that used to be your home. You must find some way to rescue the Dundees 
and Clyde, your little sister, from Kortan.

In addition to saving your adopted family and clan, you must solve the mystery 
of your identity... Your mother told you on her deathbed that you were not her 
child. A stranger brought you to her soon after you were born. She called you 
'The Highlander' and told you that Ramirez, the Jettator selected to wait for 
you, would find you and help you fulfill your mysterious destiny...


1. Insert your Highlander CD into your Jaguar CD Multimedia Player and close 
   the lid.

2. Insert your Memory Track cartridge (if you have one) into the cartridge slot 
   of the CD player.

3. Press the Power button.

4. Press the A, B or C button to skip the Title screens and start the game.


Volume, controls, high scores, and other options will be saved as long as you 
have a Memory Track cartridge plugged into the CD player. If you do not have a 
Memory Track cartridge plugged in, this information cannot be saved and will be 
lost when you turn off your Jaguar. 

Saving or Loading a Game

If you have a Memory Track cartridge, you can save Quentin's progress on his 

To save or load a game, press the Pause button at any point during a game. 
While you are paused, press the C button. You will see a menu that asks you to 
save or load a game. Press the Joypad up or down to select LOAD or SAVE and 
press the Option button to confirm your choice. If you choose SAVE, select one
of the five slots and press the Option button again to confirm your choice.

To load a saved game, choose LOAD and select a saved game. Press the Option 
button to confirm your choice.

You can also delete a saved game to make room for a new game. Press up or down 
on the Joypad to select DELETE GAME. Press the Option button to confirm, select 
the game you want to delete, and then press the Option button again. Press the 
Pause button again to resume your game.


Here are some directions to help you in your quest.


Joypad up			Walk forward
Joypad down			Walk backwards
Joypad left			Turn left
Joypad right			Turn right
Double click * Joypad up	Run

* Press up on the Joypad twice in quick succession to start running, then keep 
  up depressed.



A				Punch
B				Uppercut
C				Kick
A+down				Dodge left
B+down				Dodge right
C+down				Jump back


A				Walking jump
B				Leg sweep
C				Kneeling uppercut
A+down				Dodge left
B+down				Dodge right
C+down				Jump back


A				Running jump
B				Back-handed slap
C				Punch combo
A+down				Dodge left
B+down				Dodge right
C+down				Jump back


A				Leg and head slash
B				Neck swipe
C				Overhead chop
A+down				Parry to left
B+down				Parry overhead
C+down				Jump back


A				Walking jump
B				Neck swipe
C				Sword jab
A+down				Parry to left
B+down				Parry overhead
C+down				Jump back


A				Running jump
B				Hip swipe
C				Two-handed overhead chop
A+down				Parry to left
B+down				Parry to right
C+down				Jump back


A				Shoot behind
B				Shoot forward
C				Shoot forward from hip
A+down				Dodge left
B+down				Dodge right
C+down				Jump back


A				Walking jump
B				Shoot forward
C				Shoot forward from hip
A+down				Dodge left
B+down				Dodge right
C+down				Jump back


A				Running jump
B				Shoot forward
C				Shoot forward from hip
A+down				Dodge left
B+down				Dodge right
C+down				Jump back


If you own a ProController, you can use the left and right fingertip buttons to 
rotate Quentin in either direction. The X,Y and Z buttons are shortcuts for 
some of the defensive maneuvers. The X and Y buttons are dodge right and left, 
respectively. The Z button allows you to take a quick jump backwards.

Selecting Objects

You will find many objects in your travels that will help Quentin complete his 
quest. Walking over an object or pressing the Option button brings up the 
Object Selection screen. To exit the Object Selection screen, press the Option
button again. Use the following controls to move around the Object Selection 

A				Drop object/reject object
B				Pick up/accept object
C				Use selected object and exit object selection
Joypad up			Previous object in selection screen
Joypad down			Next object in selection screen
Joypad left			Previous object in selection screen
Joypad right			Next object in selection screen

Other Controls

*, #				Restart the game
Pause				Pauses the game

While you are paused, you can adjust the volume levels of music and game sound 
effects and reconfigure your Joypad. Press the A button to adjust the music 
volume. Press the B button to adjust the sound effects volume. Press the Option 
button to reconfigure the A, B and C buttons on your Joypad. When you have 
completed you adjustments, press Pause again to resume play.