function BuildTitleString() { return "2600 101 - Kernal Clink"; } ?>
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; a moving dot by Kirk Israel processor 6502 include vcs.h org $F000 ;we start by setting up two "variables" ;this means we tell DASM that when we say ;variablename, we mean this specific memory ;location (we have $80 to $FF to play with) ;we'll use this one to store the vertical position YPosFromBot = $80; ;more on the use of this variable below VisibleMissileLine = $81; ;generic start up stuff... Start SEI CLD LDX #$FF ;we're so clever, we LDX TXS ;once and use that for LDA #0 ;both TXS ad the ClearMem loop ClearMem STA 0,X DEX BNE ClearMem LDA #$00 STA COLUBK LDA #66 ;Lets go for purpley! STA COLUP0 LDA #80 STA YPosFromBot ;set Initial Y Position ;NUSIZ0 sets the size and multiplying ;of the sprite and missiles --see the Stella ;guide for details LDA #$20 STA NUSIZ0 ;Quad Width for now ;VSYNC time MainLoop LDA #2 STA VSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC LDA #43 STA TIM64T LDA #0 STA VSYNC ;#% is a way of indicating a binary actual number ;(just like #$ starts a hex number and # a decimal number) LDA #%00010000 ;put value of 1 in the left nibble (slow move right) STA HMM0 ;set the move for missile 0 WaitForVblankEnd LDA INTIM BNE WaitForVblankEnd LDY #191 STA WSYNC STA VBLANK STA WSYNC STA HMOVE ;main scanline loop... ScanLoop STA WSYNC ; here the idea is that VisibleMissileLine ; is zero if the line isn't being drawn now, ; otherwise it's however many lines we have to go ; there are probably more efficient ways of doing this ; we see if this is the line (line # stored in Y) is the ; one that we start the missile on CheckActivateMissile CPY YPosFromBot ;compare Y to the YPosFromBot... BNE SkipActivateMissile ;if not equal, skip this... LDA #8 ;otherwise say that this should go STA VisibleMissileLine ;on for 8 lines SkipActivateMissile ;turn missile off then see if it's turned on LDA #0 STA ENAM0 ; ;if the VisibleMissileLine is non zero, ;we're drawing it ; LDA VisibleMissileLine ;load the value of what missile line we're showing BEQ FinishMissile ;if zero we aren't showing, skip it IsMissileOn LDA #2 ;otherwise STA ENAM0 ;showit DEC VisibleMissileLine ;and decrement the missile line thing FinishMissile DEY ;decrement scanline counter BNE ScanLoop ;lather rinse repeat ;overscan same as last time LDA #2 STA WSYNC STA VBLANK LDX #30 OverScanWait STA WSYNC DEX BNE OverScanWait JMP MainLoop org $FFFC .word Start .word Start
Introduction -
The Development Environment -
Into The Breach -
My First Program - Kernal Clink - The Joy of Sticks - Happy Face - PlayerBufferStuffer |