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Atari 2600 Hacks - Star Trek: Journey to Dalo-4

Original Game:Rescue Terra I 
Hacked By:OutofGas
Type of Hack:Graphic Hack
Year Created:2004
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Planet Dalo-4 needs help and its up to the Enterprise crew to save the day. You'll have to travel through the neutral zone and be on the look out for Klingons and Romulans, if you are to reach Dalo-4 in time!
What's New
Player Sprite has been changed to resemble the Starship Enterprise.
Before and After Screenshots
Original GameHack
Star Trek: Journey to Dalo-4 - Original ScreenshotStar Trek: Journey to Dalo-4 - Hack Screenshot
Star Trek: Journey to Dalo-4 - Original ScreenshotStar Trek: Journey to Dalo-4 - Hack Screenshot
Star Trek: Journey to Dalo-4 - Original ScreenshotStar Trek: Journey to Dalo-4 - Hack Screenshot
Other Hacks Created by OutofGas
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Dragon Fighter (Hack of Double Dragon)
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Legendary Warrior (Hack of Forest)
Nunchaku Mania (Hack of Forest)
Rygar (Hack of Forest)
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Shoot 'Em (Hack of Carnival)
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