Sears Tele-Games Football Game Instructions
For 2 players 3 games
Sears, Roebuck and Co. 4975114
Use your Joystick Controllers with this Tele-Games(r) Cartridge.
Be sure the controller cables are firmly plugged into the jacks
on the rear of your Video Arcade(tm). Hold the controller with
the red button to your upper left towards the television screen.
See page 4 of your owner's manual for further details.
Note: To prolong the life of your console unit and protect the
electronic components, the unit should be OFF when inserting or
removing a Tele-Games Cartridge.
Note: When playing on a black and white television, place the TV
type switch on the console in the color position. Otherwise the
white players score will disappear from the screen at game end
when the switch is in the black and white (b-w) position.
.-Left Player's Score
| Timer Down Indicator
v v v
| 00 5:00 1 00 | <-right Player's Score | <- | <-Offense Indicator | | |="==================" | | %----%----%---- | <-Orange Team |="========*=========" | | X----X----X---- | <-White Team |="=_______________==" | <-First Down Marker | | |="==================" | |_______________________| The Timer Clock at the top center of the playfield begins counting down from 5:00. The clock ticks only during play and stops between plays. Depress the game RESET switch to start a new game. The left, or orange, player begins on offense. This is indicated by the small arrow under the Timer Clock. The number at top left is the orange player's score. The number at top right is the white player's score. The number to the left of the white player's score is the Down Indicator. The question mark (?) beneath each player's score is a reminder to program your play, and will disappear when you do so. The play automatically begins after both players have entered a play formation. The offensive player has four "downs" or attempts to get the ball over the First Down Marker or the line shown on the screen. If the offense moves the ball over the First Down Marker, he receives another four downs. If the player scores, his opponent receives the ball and becomes the offensive team. To stop your opponent from getting a first down or scoring, you must "tackle" him by stopping his forward motion. Do this by manuevering one of your players into his path and touching him. USING THE CONTROLLER There are five offensive and five defensive formations. Use your joystick to program the formation you wish to use, (see diagrams on back pages). For a punt formation, push the red controller button. After the play begins, each player (in games 1 and 2) can control his men with the Joystick. (Diagram refers to movement as you see it on your television screen). The offensive player controls only the ball carrier and can pass (or punt from the punt formation) by pressing the red controller button. The defensive player controls his lineman with the Joystick. When the red controller button is pressed, the Joystick will control the defensive back. Move Up & Left Up Up & Right \ | / Left <-- Neutral> Right
/ | \
Left Down Down Right Down
All offensive plays can be pass plays, except when a "punt" play is
set. Any player (including your opponent) is an eligible receiver.
All passes must be made behind the "line of scrimmage" or the line
on which the play started.
To punt, push the red controller button to program the "punt
formation." After the play starts, push the red button again and
your Quarterback will kick the ball. On a punt play only the
defensive back can catch and return the ball. If the ball is not
caught, the computer will randomly select the yardage or lenghth
of your kick.
In games 1 and 2, the path of the ball on a pass or punt can be
"steered" after it leaves the Quarterback by using the Joystick.
You can steer the ball left or right only.
The offensive team scores a "touchdown" (seven points) by moving
the ball past the opponent's goal line. The defensive team can
score a "safety" (two points) by tackling the opponent behind his
goal line. In addition, the defensive team gets the ball.
HANDICAP (Skill Switches)
When placed in the EXPERT position your players cannot move from
side to side as quickly as in the NOVICE position. This will give
the more experienced player a handicap.
Game 1 After programming your play, use the Joystick to control
your players. The offensive player controls only the ball carrier
and the flight of the pass or punt. The defensive player controls his
lineman or, by holding the red controller button down, the defensive
The players will randomly follow the play as programmed when not
controlled by your Joystick.
Game 2 In this game, when your players are not controlled by the
Joystick, they will follow the play exactly as programmed. Use
more strategy and try to outguess your opponent's plays.
Game 3 Program in your offensive and defensive plays and watch the
computer run them out. Neither player can control the players
movements, but the offense can pass or punt the ball by pushing
the red controller button.
1 Split Left _______
2 Tight Right |o5 |
3 Split Right 4 | O | 2
4 Tight Left |_____|
5 Punt 3 [Top view of Joystick]
_______________ _______________ _______________
| 1| | 2| | 3|
| <-% | | %-> | | %-> |
| | | | | |
| % % %| |% % % | | % % %|
| v / / | | \ \ v | | \ \ v|
|_____________| |_____________| |_____________|
[v-down, /-down left, \-down right, ^-up]
_______________ _______________
Right and left | 4| | 5|
refers to how the | <-% | | % | teams are viewed | | | v | on the playfield. | % % % | | % % % | | v / / | | v v v | |_____________| |_____________| _______________ _______________ _______________ | 1| | 2| | 3| | ^ \ \ | | / / ^ | | / / ^ | | X X X | | X X X | | X X X | | | | | | | | <-X | | X-> | | X-> |
|_____________| |_____________| |_____________|
_______________ _______________
| 4| | 5|
| ^ \ \ | | ^ ^ ^ |
| X X X | | X X X |
| | | ^ |
| <-x | | X | |_____________| |_____________| [v-down, /-up right, \-up lefft, ^-up] DEFENSIVE PLAYS _______________ _______________ _______________ | 1| | 2| | 3| | <-% | | %-> | | %-> |
| | | | | |
| % % % | | % % % | | % % % |
| v / / | | \ \ v | | \ \ v |
|_____________| |_____________| |_____________|
_______________ _______________
Right and left | 4| | 5|
refers to how the | <-% | | % | teams are viewed | | | | on the playfield. | % % % | | % % % | | v / / | | v v v | |_____________| |_____________| _______________ _______________ _______________ | 1| | 2| | 3| | ^ \ \ | | / / ^ | | / / ^ | | X X X | | X X X | | X X X | | | | | | | | <-X | | X-> | | X-> |
|_____________| |_____________| |_____________|
_______________ _______________
| 4| | 5|
| ^ \ \ | | ^ ^ ^ |
| X X X | | X X X |
| | | ^ |
|<-x | | X | |_____________| |_____________| 1 1 Wide Left _______ 2 Tight Right |o5 | 3 Wide Right 4 | O | 2 4 Tight Left |_____| 5 Deep 3 [Top view of Joystick] Atari 2600 Instructions Archive-------------------
This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage,
©1997-1998 by Greg Chance