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Home Run - Atari - Atari 2600     HTML Manual   

Home Run
HomeRun         CX2623  Atari, Inc. 1978        
Table of Contents
1.      Game Play
2.      Using the Controllers
3.      Console Controls
4.      Game Variations
5.      Scoring

1.      Game Play 

        Play _HOME RUN_ just as you would play baseball. The left or
blue player is the "visiting team" and is the first to bat. The
pitcher-outfielder pitches the ball. Three _strikes_ (either swinging
or pitched) are an _out_; four _balls_ (any pitch not struck at that is
NOT over the plate) are a _walk_ and the batter advances to first
        If the pitcher hits the batter (and the batter does not strike
at the pitch, or the pitch does not pass over Home Plate) the batter
will advance to first base.
        If the batter hits the ball, the outfielder(s) can catch the
ball and make a putout by touching first base ahead of the runner or by
tagging the runner. If there are other runners on base, a putout can be
made by tagging any runner or, if the runner is in a "force play", by
touching the base in front of that runner. With practice, doubleplays
(two outs on one pitched ball) can be made with ease.

2.      Using the Controllers

        Use your Joystick Controllers with this ATARI Game Program
cartridge.  Be sure the Joystick Controller cables are firmly
plugged into the _CONTROLLER_ jacks at the back of your ATARI
Video Computer System game. For one-player games, use the Joystick
Controller plugged into the _RIGHT CONTROLLER_ jack.  Hold the Joystick
with the red button to your upper left, toward the television screen.

        Swing the bat by moving your Joystick from the neutral (center) 
position to _any_ other position. If, after hitting the ball, it looks 
as though the outfielder has a chance to make a putout if you take an 
extra base, push the red crontroller button _before_ reaching base and 
your runner(s) will stop at that base.

        To pitch the ball, press the red controller button. Throw
curves, fastballs, screwballs, or change-up pitches by moving your
Joystick after the ball leaves the pitcher.

        After the batter hits the ball, control your outfielder(s) with
the Joystick to catch the ball and make putouts.

3.      Console Controls

        Use the _game select_ switch to select the game number you wish
to play. The game number changes on the top left side of the screen as
you press the switch down.

        When you have selected the game number you wish to play, press
down the _game reset_ switch to start the game.

        The _difficulty_ switches control the speed of the outfielders
and batted balls. In the _a_ position, the outfielders and batted balls
will move more slowly than in the _b_position.

        Set this switch to _color_ if you have a color television set.
Set it to _b-w_ to play the game in black and white.

4.      Game Variations

        The white letters at the top left of the playfield are;
_I_ - innings, _O_ - outs, the white letters at the top right of the 
playfield are; _B_ - balls, _S_ - strikes. The blue number is the left
player's score; the red number is the right player's score.
        GAMES 1,2,3, and 4 are single-player against the computer.
Using the right Joystick Controller, pitch to the computer.  Your score
appears at the upper right of the playfield, the computer's score
appears at the upper left.
        GAMES 5,6,7 and 8 are two-player games.

5.      Scoring

        Three _outs_ for each player or team are an _inning_; nine 
innings make one, complete game. Score one _run_ for each runner
crossing home4 plate. The batter scores a _home run_ by hitting the
ball directly over second base, provided the ball is not caught by the 

-------------------Atari 2600 Instructions Archive-------------------

This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage, ©1997-1998 by Greg Chance