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Raft Rider - U.S. Games - Atari 2600    Manual Scan icon HTML Manual   

Raft Rider

Raft Rider is a single player, full color game designed to be played
on the Atari Video Computer System or the Sears Video Arcade.
White water everywhere! And hidden in the strong current are any
number of dangers lying in wait to capsize your log raft. Your mission
is to make your way downstream as far as possible, avoiding treacherous
rocks, feisty moose, and sections of tree which have been cut down by
a pesky beaver. Skillful maneuvering is not without rewards, however,
because there are also gold nuggets appearing in the river, which, when
touched, can be accumulated to extend your trek into the wilderness.
So, put on your coonskin cap, get on your raft, and ride that white water
to glorious high scores! Go ahead, get your feet wet; just try to keep the
rest of you dry!

[screen shot here. Not very clear on the photocopy.]

1. Connect the Atari Video Computer System or Sears Video Arcade following
   manufacturer's instructions.
2. Install left joystick controller
3. Insert the cartridge - making sure the power is OFF.
4. Move the POWER switch to ON.
5. Select difficulty level:
  Position A: for faster increase in river current and advancement of Raft Rider
  downstream (to right of screen), which cuts down available reaction time.
  Position B: for slower river current.
  Position A: causes moose to move upstream quickly.
  Position B: moose is standing still in river.
6. Push game RESET switch to start game.

- Move joystick up or down to cause raft to move back and forth across river.
After moving the pole up or down, you must release the joystick to allow the
poling action to take place. If you wish to move only slightly to one side,
quickly tap the joystick to the left during the raft's arc so the pole is to
the back. This will stop the turning and head the raft downstream again.
- The fire button is not used in Raft Rider.
- To collect gold nuggets, position your raft in front of the rock's pathway
as early as possible. Make the fine tuned adjustments in position as described
above so that your pole, when extended forward, is in line to touch the rock.
If successful, a money bag will appear at the bottom left of your screen. Three
bags will buy you a new raft.

Each segment of river traveled earns you 125 points. The score (bottom center)
will continue to increase as long as you continue down the river.
The game starts with three chances available (one Raft Rider on the river, 
and two rafts at lower right). When a raft is lost, it is automatically replaced
by reserves - if available.
Collecting three gold nuggets (illustrated as money bags iin lower left of the
screen), will buy you an extra chance to go on once you have lost all your
rafts. The maximum number of chances available at any one time is four: one
represented by the Raft Rider on the river, and the other three represented
by the three rafts at the bottom right of the screen.

- Stay relatively close to the center of the river whenever possible. It 
allows you to reach gold nuggets and open passages faster with less distance
to travel.
- Limit movement back and forth across the river, since this causes your
raft to move further downstream, making it more difficult to react to...
CRASH! (Whoops) oncoming obstacles.
- Gather gold nuggets early in the game - especially in the faster moving
river version. It takes a keen touch to collect them at "fast water" speeds,
but keep your coonskin cap on and aim that pole.
- Gathering gold nuggets is a wilderness skill that takes grift, determination,
and a keen eye. Better to aim too low than too high - you'll find out why!
- After picking up a gold nugget, be ready to make your next move, but not
too soon, or you'll miss it (or even worse, hit it).
- Moose: don't touch these guys with even a ten-foot pole! Steer clear of their
antlers, or you will be swallowing tadpoles.
- When the beaver runs across the screen, be alert for the crashing sound
warning you of impending danger. He just chopped down a piece of tree that can
land anywhere in the river!
- As speed increases, plan ahead for unforeseen accidents. After you drift
past an obstacle(s), pole into line with them. Then slalom down the river
into wilderness folklore.

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This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage, ©1997-1998 by Greg Chance