Skate Boardin'
typed in by
For the Atari (r) 2600 (tm)
"jump on that board and get psyched for a totally intense cruise!..."
To Begin
1) With power off, insert the Skateboardin (tm) cartridge into your Atari
2600 (tm) game system according to the manufacturer's instructions.
2) Plug joystick into port labeled "left controller".
3) Turn power on.
4) Press RESET to begin the game. (At any point during the game, press
RESET to begin again.)
The Cruise
You _know_ you're late for school, but what you _don't_ know is that just
overnight, an array of obstacles has been placed along the way. _Radical
man_, this is a skateboarder's dream come true! You have to get to
school on time, but passing up the chance to ride ramps or cruise tubes
would make you look like a real nerd! You've got to conquer a total of
thirty tubes and ramps in under five minutes to be totally awesome. Not
only that, after you find all the tubes and ramps you have to find the
front steps of the school building. Check the ratings at the end of the
instructions to find out how radical you are.
Your time clock is displayed at the top left of the screen, and next to
the clock is a number representing the amount of tubes and ramps you have
remaining. Other obstacles include walls, rails and hurdles, _but you
need only conquer the tubes and ramps to finish._ The others, however,
must be avoided as they will stop you and knock you off your board.
You start at the steps of your house, holding your skateboard. Press
RESET to begin. You can walk by moving the joystick in the direction you
want to go, but that's not going to get you to school very fast.
Instead, point the joystick left or right, and press the button to jump
onto your board. Once on your board, _press the button to jump or press
it and hold it down to crouch._ If the button is held down, you will
land into a crouch after the jump.
As you set your course through this gnarly maze, keep in mind that the
scoreboard display is _not_ a wall. If you choose to go up, you can
cruise right on through. You can cruise through the walks or over the
turf area, but cutting across the turf will slow you down. To regain
your speed, you must either stay on the turf long enough to stop, or run
into an obstacle. This will bring you off your board so you can jump
back on and resume at normal speed.
To ride a ramp, you can be in either standing or crouched position - just
make sure you are cruising within the area from the botton to the top of
the ramp. In other words, don't try to hit the ramp below or above it or
it won't count. A _bing_ sound will indicate a successful ramp jump.
To clear a tube, you must travel through it while in a crouch. Head in
the direction of the tube, align yourself with the opening and then
crouch by jumping and keeping the button down. While in a crouch, if you
need to adjust your position, _tap_ the joystick up or down to fine tune.
If you are approaching the tube while standing, or if you miss the
opening, you will crash into it and stop. A _bong_ sound will indicate a
successful pass.
Tips from the Pros
Remember, each obstacle must be conquered only once. Try to improve upon
your time by checking out new shortcuts.
If you want to max out your speed, get yourself up to the street (at the
very top of the maze) and try to catch the truck when it passes the stop
sign. If you miss it, get off of your board and position yourself with
just your feet on the sidewalk. When it passes, it will pick you up and
take you for a ride down the street. Get off by moving the joystick in
the direction you want to go, but watch out - now you're really _cruising_!
You know you're close to the school when you find the schoolyard. If you
get really stuck in the maze, try making a map.
There are rumors of a truly radical skateboarder who finished all thirty
obstacles and got to school with more than 2 minutes left. See if you
can top that!
Number of
Obstacles left Rating
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
0.......................Totally Awesome
(c) 1987 Absolute Entertainment, Inc.
240 Godwin Avenue
Midland Park, NJ 07432
Skate Boardin' (tm) and Absolute Entertainment (tm) are Trademarks of
Absolute Entertainment (tm) Inc. Atari(r) is a registered trademark and
2600 (tm) is a trademark of Atari Corp.
Manufactured by Absolute Entertainment Inc.
PO Box 287, Midland Park, NJ 07432
AG-043-02 (c)1987 Absolute Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage,
©1997-1998 by Greg Chance