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Circus Atari - Atari - Atari 2600    Manual Scan icon HTML Manual   

Circus Atari
The Circus Atari manual is a 6 page fold-out.

Page 1 (front cover)


Model CX2630

A Warner Communications Company

ATARI, INC., Consumer Division
P.O. Box 427, Sunnyvale, CA 94086

(C) 1980 ATARI, INC.

Page 2

Use your standard Paddle Controllers with this ATARI(R) Game
Program(tm).  Be sure the Controller cable is firmly plugged into the
jack at the rear of your ATARI Video Computer System(tm).

For one and two player games, plug the Paddle Controllers into the LEFT

(Transcriber's note:  This section is accompanied by a line drawing of 2
standard Atari paddle controllers.)

Note:  Always turn the console switch OFF when inserting or removing an
ATARI Game Program.  This will protect the electronic components and
prolong the life of your ATARI Video Computer System.


POP! POP! POP! Pop the balloons and score points.  A wall of red, blue,
and white balloons will appear at the top of the screen.  You must pop
balloons by catching a clown on the teeter-totter and bouncing him up to
the balloons.  Use the controller to move the teeter-totter across the
screen to catch the clowns.  Each time a clown pops a balloon, the
balloon will disappear and you score points.

Each player receives five clowns or turns.  If you fail to catch a clown
on the teeter-totter he will crash and disappear from the playfield.
Press the red controller button and another clown will bounce off the
trampoline from the right or left corner of the playfield.  After five
clowns have crashed the game is over.  The clowns may land on any point
of the teeter-totter except where the other clown is sitting, which
causes them to crash.


To select a game depress the game select switch.  There are 8 variations
to this game.  See GAME VARIATIONS for game play differences and
explanations.  The game and the number

Page 3

of players is shown in the upper middle of the screen with the game
number to the left and the number of players to the right.

To begin a game depress the game reset switch.

(Transcriber's note:  This section is accompanied by a picture of a game
screen indicating the game number and number of players.)


Difficulty Switches

When the difficulty switch is in the a position the clowns bounce faster
after contact with the balloons and the teeter-totter.  In the b
position you have better control of the clowns because they are not
moving as fast.  For one-player games use the left difficulty switch.


Use your Paddle Controller to move the teeter-totter across the screen.
Press the red button on the Paddle Controller to start a turn, or press
the red button to start a clown bouncing from the trampoline.  Pressing
the red button while the clown is in the air changes the direction of
the teeter-totter.  This is helpful in preventing the airborne clown
from crashing into the other clown on the teeter-totter.

Page 4

(Transcriber's note:  This section is accompanied by 2 illustrations of
a game screen, incorrectly demonstrating the effect of pressing the
button with a clown in the air)


The first point is scored as the clown leaves the trampoline.  Once the
clown starts the bouncing motion, one point is scored each time he hits
the trampoline or the teeter-totter.  Additional points are scored as
the clown pops the balloons.  Remember, the higher the balloon he pops
the more points you score, so it is best to catch him on the edge of the
teeter-totter for the highest bounce.

(Transcriber's note:  This section is accompanied by an illustration of
a game screen, indicating the score, which player is currently playing
{number immediately right of score} and the player's clown number.
Also, the point value of the different balloons is indicated as follows:
RED 10 points each, BLUE 5 points each, WHITE 2 points each.  Also,
bonuses are awarded for clearing entire rows as follows:  TOP=100
points, MIDDLE=50 points, BOTTOM=20 points.)

Each time you pop the entire row of red balloons you receive an extra
clown or turn.  The top right corner of the screen will show an "X" to
indicate an extra clown or turn.  Although scoring can be infinite,
there is only space for four digits on the

Page 5

screen, so when you become a pro your score will read 0000 again as you
pass 9999.


GAMES 1 through 6 may be played by one or two players, but GAMES 7 and 8
are two-player games only.

GAME 1 is called Breakout(tm) Circus.  As the clown pops balloons he
rebounds from balloon to balloon both horizontally and vertically.  Each
time a full row of balloons is popped a new row appears and you receive
bonus points.  When the top row of red balloons are all popped you
receive and extra clown.  (See SCORING for a breakdown of points and
bonus scoring.)

GAME 2 is like GAME 1, except the playfield has an additional wall of
barriers added below the balloons, which makes the game more difficult.

(Transcriber's note:  This section is illustrated with a picture of a
game screen with an X next to the clown number, indicating an extra

GAME 3 is called Breakthru(tm) Circus.  In Breakthru Circus the clown
does not rebound off the balloons.  He continues to move in a horizontal
direction off the balloons.  This version is somewhat easier for the
beginning player.  Scoring is the same as GAME 1.

GAME 4 is Breakthru Circus with a row of barriers added to the playfield
below the balloons.

GAME 5 is similar to Breakout Circus, except the balloons do not
"restore" after the full row is popped.  All balloons on the

Page 6 (back cover)

screen must be popped before you receive three new rows of balloons.  At
this time you receive 170 bonus points and an extra clown.

GAME 6 is the same as GAME 5, but with the additional row of barriers
added below the balloons.

GAME 7 is for two players.  Both players share the same wall of
balloons.  The computer tracks each players' score individually.

GAME 8 is the same as GAME 7 but has the addition of barriers below the
balloons to make the game more challenging.

At the end of each game final scores will appear at the top of the
screen, left player to the left and right player to the right in two-
player games.

(Transcriber's note:  This section is illustrated with a picture
demonstrating the above paragraph.)

GAME NUMBER    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
ONE-PLAYER     x    x    x    x    x    x
TWO PLAYER     x    x    x    x    x    x    x    x
BREAKOUT(tm)   x    x              x    x    x    x
BREAKTHRU(tm)            x    x

BREAKOUT(tm) and BREAKTHRU(tm) are Trademarks of ATARI, INC.

Printed in U.S.A.     C011402-30 REV. 2

-------------------Atari 2600 Instructions Archive-------------------

This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage, ©1997-1998 by Greg Chance