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A Warner Communications Company CX2664

Use your Keyboard Controllers with this ATARI (R) Game Program TM cartridge. Be sure the Controllers are firmly plugged into the LEFT and RIGHT CONTROLLER jacks at the rear of your ATARI Video Computer System TM game.

Use a Keyboard plugged into the LEFT CONTROLLER jack for one- player games. See Section 3 of your Owner's Manual for further details.

NOTE: Always turn the console power switch off when inserting or removing an ATARI Game Program cartridge. This will protect the electronic components and prolong the life of your ATARI Video Computer System game.

TOUCH ME TM Games 1 to 4

The computer plays a "sequence of tones" which you must match, starting with one tone and adding a new tone to the sequence each time you enter correctly.

As the computer is playing the sequence, the word WAIT will appear at the top of the screen. When the computer says GO, it is your turn to match the tone sequence. If you miss the sequence, the computer will say WAIT, repeat the sequence, and credit you with a "miss". Four "misses" (or correctly following a sequence of 32 tones) completes the game.

The number in the box at the top of the screen is the number of tones that have been correctly played.

In two-player games, the players alternate. As one player enters the sequence correctly, a new tone will be added for the other player. The computer will say GO underneath the score of the player whose turn it is. The game ends when either player reaches four "misses", or if both players correctly complete a 32-tone sequence.

       4            |            |
                    |     5      |
                    |            |

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|     GO     |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |   TOUCH    |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

                         Figure 1


As shown in Figure 1, the six boxes at the bottom of the screen correspond to the numbers 1 to 6 on your controller. In the 9-tone games, Figure 2, the nine boxes at the bottom of the screen correspond to the numbers 1 to 9 on your controller.


In the a position, the player will not hear the entire tone sequence, but only the new tone that is added. If a miss is made, the computer will then play the entire sequence. In b position, the tone sequence is repeated each time, with the new tone added.

        3           |            |            2
                    |     4      |
                    |            |

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |    WAIT    |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|   TOUCH    |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'
.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

                      Figure 2

COUNT ME TM Games 5 to 8

Play this game like TOUCH ME TM. The computer will play a sequence of digits to be matched in order. The computer adds a new digit to the sequence when you correctly follow the sequence.

When the computer shows you the sequence in the box at the center of the screen, the word WAIT will appear. When the computer says GO, it is your turn to match the sequence. If you miss, the computer will say WAIT, repeat the sequence, and credit you with a "miss". Four "misses", or correctly following a sequence of 32 digits completes the game.

The number in the box at the top of the screen shows the number of digits in the sequence that you have correctly followed.

Players alternate for two-player games. As one player correctly identifies the sequence, a new digit is added for the next player. The computer will say GO underneath the score of the player whose turn it is. The game ends when either player scores four "misses" or if both players correctly complete a sequence of 32 digits.

        1           |            |
                    |     7      |
                    |            |

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|     GO     |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

                    |            |
                    |     6      |
                    |            |
                         Figure 3


As the computer generates the sequence, enter the digits, in order, by pushing the corresponding number on your Keyboard controller.


When you difficulty switch is in the b position, the computer will show you the complete sequence of digits to be followed. In the a position, the computer will not show the entire sequence, but only the digit that has been added. if a "miss" is made, the computer will then refresh your memory by showing the entire sequence.

PICTURE ME TM Games 9 and 10

In these one-player games, the computer will display a set of four objects in the center column. While the computer makes a distracting noise, try to memorize the order of the objects from top to bottom. the computer then scrambles the order, moves them to the left hand column, and gives you twenty seconds to remember their original order.

In game 9, you have four seconds to memorize the original order of the objects, in game 10 you have 1 1/2 seconds.

If your guess is incorrect or the time runs out, the computer will show you the correct answer in the left hand column, before showing you the next set of objects.

You get one point for each object placed in the correct position and a bonus score based on the time taken to remember all the objects. Five sets of objects are a game.


Each row of numbers on your controller corresponds with one of the boxes on the screen. For example, row one (numbers 1-2-3) corresponds with the top box; row two (numbers 4-5-6) corresponds with the second box, etc. If the first object in the center column was scrambled to the second box in the left column, push a button in row two of your Keyboard (number 4, 5, or 6). That object will appear in the right hand column in the first box. Continue making selections in this way.

Each object can be selected only once.

        12          |            |
                    |     3      |
                    |            |

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|     @      |      |     []     |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|     []     |      |     P]     |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|     0      |      |     0      |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|     P]     |      |     @      |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

                         Figure 4


In these games, the left difficulty switch affects the Bonus Scoring. In the a position, the Bonus Score added to your correct guesses is one half of the timer value. In the b position, the Bonus Score is equal to the timer value. The right difficulty switch has no effect.

The best possible score in the a position is 45; in the b position, the best possible score is 70.

FIND ME TM Games 11 to 14

The computer generates a set of four objects on the screen. All, except one, are identical. Your score is based on the time taken to find the one dissimilar object.

You can continue to enter guesses until the timer runs out. The correct answer will show in the box at the top of the screen. There are five sets of objects per game. In Games 11 and 13 you have 20 seconds to find the dissimilar object; in Games 12 and 14 you only have 5 seconds.

In the one-player games, using the left-player controller, try to improve your score with each game. In two-player games, each player is competing to find the same dissimilar object and score first.


Each row of numbers on your controller corresponds with one of the boxes on the screen. For example, row one (numbers 1-2-3) corresponds with the top box; row two (numbers 4-5-6) corresponds with the second box, etc. If the dissimilar object is in the fourth box, press a button in row four (*-0-#) of your controller. The correct solution to the above diagram is 3.

        24          |            |
                    |     3      |
                    |            |

                    |            |
                    |    [[]     |
                    |            |

                    |            |
                    |    [[]     |
                    |            |

                    |            |
                    |    []]     |
                    |            |

                    |            |
                    |    [[]     |
                    |            |

                         Figure 5


The scoring is affected by the difficulty switches. In the b position, the player gets the full value of the timer added to this score. In the a position, the player gets one-half the timer value added to his score. Best possible score for position a is 25, position b is 50.

ADD ME TM Games 15 to 18

A set of digits is generated by the computer. You score by adding the digits and entering the sum before the timer runs out. The correct answer will appear in the box at the top of the screen. There are five sets of digits per game.

With the left-player controller continue to practice on the one-player games. In the two-player games, each player is trying to enter the sum of the same set of digits and score first.

Games 15 and 17 give you twenty seconds to find the sum of four digits. Games 16 and 18 give you five seconds to find the sum of five digits.

        10          |            |
                    |     26     |
                    |            |

                    |            |
                    |     5      |
                    |            |

                    |            |
                    |     9      |
                    |            |

                    |            |
                    |     6      |
                    |            |

                    |            |
                    |     1      |
                    |            |

                    |            |
                    |     5      |
                    |            |

                         Figure 6


Enter your answer just as you would with a calculator. If the sum of the digits is a single unit (4 to 9), you must enter it as a zero-sum (04, 05, etc.). DIFFICULTY SWITCHES

The player using the a position on the difficulty switches will receive one-half the timer value added to his score. In the b position, the full value of the timer is added to the score. Best possible score for b position is 50; best possible score for a position is 25.

PLAY ME TM Game 19

                    |            |
                    |     0      |
                    |            |

.------------,      .------------,      .------------,
|            |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
|            |      |            |      |            |
`------------'      `------------'      `------------'

                    |            |
                    |            |
                    |            |

                         Figure 7

Your Keyboard Controllers become musical instruments. Each button on the controller will generate a different musical note, allowing you to play songs. If both controllers are used, duets can be played on your ATARI Video Computer System game. The difficulty switches have no effect on this game.


Press the number on your Keyboard Controller in order. Numbers that are underlined should be held for that count.

Happy Birthday

          -----           ---

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

            ---             ---
            ---             ---
            ---             ---

Three Blind Mice

--- --- ------- --- --- -------
---     ------- ---     -------

--- --- ------- --- --- -------

For two people to play duets, right-player controller plays
the first line, the left-player controller plays the second

Row Your Boat (round song)

---       -----         -------
nothing        /nothing

    ---     ---     ---     ---
------- ------- --- --- -------

        ------- ------- -------
        -------     ---     ---

--- --- -------         -------
    ---     ---         -------


                           ATARI (R)
                A Warner Communications Company

ATARI, INC., Consumer Division, P.O. Box 427, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, U.S.A.

Manual, Program and Audiovisual (c) 1978 Atari, Inc.

C016973-64 REV. 1 PRINTED IN U.S.A.

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-------------------Atari 2600 Instructions Archive-------------------

This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage, ©1997-1998 by Greg Chance