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Fishing Derby - Standard label - Atari 2600
 Game Profile      

System: Atari 2600
Company: Activision
Model #: AG-004
Year of Release: n/a
Media Type: Cartridge
Number of Players: 1 - 2
Controller: Atari Joystick
   David Crane (Programmer)
 Cartridge Scan
 Manual Scan
 HTML Manual
 Box Scan

Fishing Derby - Manual

DescriptionSubmit Description
In David Crane's Fishing Derby your objective is to catch more sunfish than your opponent. But it's not just between you and the other fisherman, as a big, black shark is lurking just below the surface, waiting to steal your catch! You can go for the small fish near the water's surface for less points (but more fish), or cast your line to the very bottom for the big haul, with the added risk of the shark stealing your catch away. Unfortunately, there is no Activision patch for this game. (Contributed by panda_racer)

External ReviewsSubmit Review
Atari Gaming Headquarters (by Keita Iida)80%
Video Game Critic (by David Mrozek)88%
The Atari Times (by Brian C. Rittmeyer)90%
Tomorrow's Heroes (by Tom Zjaba)78%
Lee's Peek 'n' Poke (by Lee Bolton)--
Rage Games (by Jay McGavren)80%
GameFAQs (by Jason Owens)60%
Average Score: 79%

Did You Know?Submit Trivia
• The first four games released by Activision were Dragster, Fishing Derby, Checkers, and Boxing.

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