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 Game Profile      

System: Atari 2600
Company: Activision
Model #: AG-001
Year of Release: n/a
Media Type: Cartridge
Number of Players: 1 - 2
Controller: Atari Joystick
   David Crane (Programmer)
 Cartridge Scan
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Dragster - Box

DescriptionSubmit Description
Dragster may be one of the shortest video games ever produced by Activision, or anybody else for that matter. Your goal in Dragster is to get your car across the finish line before your opponent. Using the joystick you must rev, clutch, and shift your way to victory, but if you rev too much your engine will blow and you'll be out of the race! If you broke 6 seconds and sent in a picture of your score to Activision, you'd receive a world class Dragster patch! (Contributed by panda_racer)

External ReviewsSubmit Review
Video Game Critic (by David Mrozek)75%
Tomorrow's Heroes (by Tom Zjaba)72%
Le geek (by Ben Langberg)60%
Game Freaks 365 (by Martin @ Game Freaks 365)59%
Planet Atari (German) (by Michael Tausendpfund)57%
Planet Atari (German) (by Michael Tausendpfund)57%
Average Score: 63%

Did You Know?Submit Trivia
(No Trivia Available)

Tips, Cheats, and Easter EggsSubmit Tips, Cheats, and Easter Eggs
(None Available)

Hacks Based on Dragster
Drag Race (by Steve Engelhardt)

Related LinksSubmit Links
Dragster Patch

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