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Stell-A-Sketch / Okie Dokie - Atari 2600
 Game Profile   HTML Manual icon   

System: Atari 2600
Company: Retroware
Model #: RW-4203
Year of Release: n/a
Media Type: CD-ROM
Number of Players: 1
   Driving Controller
Atari Joystick
   Bob Colbert (Programmer)
 North America
 Cartridge Scan
 Manual Scan
HTML Manual icon HTML Manual
 Box Scan

Stell-A-Sketch / Okie Dokie - Cartridge

DescriptionSubmit Description
Stell-A-Sketch is an Atari 2600 program that simulates the popular Etch A Sketch toy. It was written for the Supercharger, and would not be possible without the extra memory provided by the Supercharger. Both CD-ROM and Cassette versions were released, and Stell-A-Sketch was bundled with Okie Dokie. Unfortunately, the maker of the real Etch A Sketch, Ohio Art, forced Bob Colbert to stop selling Stell-A-Sketch, so please don't write him asking how you can get a copy. Stell-A-Sketch supports input via an Atari joystick, driving controllers, Amiga mouse, or Atari ST mouse.

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