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Ghostbusters - Blue label - Atari 2600
 Game Profile      

System: Atari 2600
Company: Activision
Model #: AZ-108
Year of Release: n/a
Media Type: Cartridge
Number of Players: 1
Controller: Atari Joystick
Other Labels:
   David Crane (Designer)
Dan Kitchen (Programmer)
 North America
 Cartridge Scan
 Manual Scan
 HTML Manual
 Box Scan

Ghostbusters - Cartridge

DescriptionSubmit Description
While numerous Activision games were ported from the 2600 to computers, this game is actually a port of the Commodore 64 game by David Crane. Following the 1984 hit movie, the game stars the Ghostbusters who patrol the city trapping rampaging ghosts, taking them back to their headquarters, and finally facing the Stay-Puft marshmallow man. Dan Kitchen's port incorporates nearly all of the computer game's complex gameplay, although the graphics had to be stripped down a great deal. (Contributed by sdamon)

External ReviewsSubmit Review
Phosphor Dot Fossils (by Earl Green)80%
Video Game Critic (by David Mrozek)65%
Ecto-Web (by Unknown)--
Average Score: 73%

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Hacks Based on Ghostbusters
Ghostbusters Improved (by King Atari)

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